Bulgarian honey "Странджанскимановмед" (Strandzhanski manov med)/"MaновмедотСтранджа" (Manov med ot Strandzha)is now recognised as protected designation of origin (PDO) in the European Union.
“Strandzhanski manov med”, also called “Manov med ot Strandzha” is a dark brown honey produced in the oak forests of Strandzha massif, in the south-east of Bulgaria. Part of the pan European Natura 2000 network of protected areas, the Strandzha massif has relatively high air humidity and mild temperatures due to its proximity to major water basins. Adding this to its paleontological history, local conditions lead to a unique combination of plants reflected in the protected Bulgarian honey.
The honey is collected during the months of June, July and August. This has an impact on the intensity of the colour and the slight acidity and bitterness of the taste, in parallel with the microflora present in the honeydew.
Beekeeping has always been a common activity in the Strandzha region. It is an age-old livelihood, as testified by the bee skeps and stumps which date from the end of the 19th century until today.
Today in Brussels, Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Phil Hogan and Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel will hand over the official certificate of registration of the Bulgarian honey to Manol Todorov, Chairman of the “Strandjanski manov honey” Association and Elka Bojilova, Head of department “Quality Schemes” in Ministry of Agriculture.
Source: EC